Schalke 04 QuizzHero Schalke 04 QuizzHeroWhich Schalke 04 player has the most matches in European club tournaments?Who is the most capped Schalke 04 player?How many Schalke players became world champions with Germany in 2014?Which player scored the honorable goal against Manchester United in the semi-finals of the Champions League in 2011?Which Schalke player holds the record for most goals in the Revierderby with Borussia Dortmund? In addition to coaching, Huub Stevens has won the UEFA Cup as a player, but for which team?First player to become European champion as a Schalke player is Erwin Kremers with Germany. Which country represent the second player to achieve such thing?Who is the only foreigner in the top 10 in the number of matches played in the history of Schalke 04?Against teams from which country Schalke 04 has played the most matches in European tournaments?Which Spanish team in its only second participation in the UEFA Cup tournament was about to eliminate Schalke in the 1996-97 season, but dropped out of the semi-finals?Try again!Good job! Quiz Maker – powered by Riddle